St. Rynaghs National School


Main St., Banagher, Co. Offaly   -   Phone: 057 91 51419

Code of Behaviour


The aims of our school are to:

  • Foster and develop Christian attitudes in all pupils.
  • Create an ordered and orderly environment in which pupils can develop self discipline, feel secure and make progress in all aspects of their development.
  • Create a friendly secure and happy environment for learning.
  • Pass on an agreed body of knowledge in all areas of the Curriculum.

To achieve the aims, a Code of Behaviour is needed which reinforces good behaviour and provides sanctions for pupils who do not abide by the code.

In devising the Code, consideration has been given to the particular needs and circumstances of this school. The aims are to ensure that the individuality of each pupil is accommodated while acknowledging their right of education in a relatively disruption free environment.

The standard of behaviour expected from pupils in St. Rynagh’s is one that is based on the pupils respecting the need for rules to allow for harmonious educational environment. It is also expected of pupils that they would expect sanctions to be imposed for behaviour not in observance of our code of behaviour.

Preventive Strategies

  • Each class group is to have their own lining up area in the yard and to wait in line for their class teacher to collect them.
  • Classrooms to create a positive learning environment
  • Schoolyard to be divided into Junior and Senior sections where possible.
  • Special needs assistants to help supervising teacher in the yard/field and classrooms.
  • Children to be encouraged to participate in all activities and games, including football, hurling, swimming, computers, painting etc. as a break from academic activity.
  • Positive behaviour to be taught and promoted in classrooms, corridors and yard, incorporating both Alive O and Special Personal Health Education (S.P.H.E.) programmes.
  • Positive behaviour to be highlighted and acknowledged.
  • Children will be expected to respond positively to school rules and co-operation will be expected from parents.
  • We shall attempt to match the curriculum to the abilities, aptitudes of pupils. This should help reduce boredom, lack of interest or lack of progress.


These are general rules. This list of rules is not definitive. The Board of Management through the Principal reserves the right to apply rules in addition to these rules that support the aims and smooth running of the school.

  • Pupils should be punctual and must not leave the grounds during the day.
  • Pupils should show respect for teaching staff, ancillary staff, parents, visitors and fellow pupils.
  • School property and property of others must be treated with respect.
  • Parents should try to label their clothing where possible.
  • Pupils should bring everything they need for the day to school, e.g. pencils, pens, books, copies, football gear etc.
  • Toys, stickers, chewing gum, large sums of money, mobile phones and cameras are not allowed in the school.
  • Boys are not allowed earrings, girls are only allowed small ‘sleeper earrings for Health and Safety reasons. All other body piercings such as nose rings etc. are not allowed.
  • Pupils must avoid any behaviour that could be dangerous or lead to an accident.
  • Aggressive behaviour and foul language is not allowed.

Misdemeanours or unacceptable behaviour

The degree of misdemeanours, minor, serious and gross will be judged by the teachers, principal or B.O.M. if necessary based on a common sense approach with regard to the gravity or frequency of the misdemeanours.

Examples of misdemeanours

These are only examples and are not a complete list of misdemeanours.

Minor Misdemeanours

Interrupting class work

Running in school building

Dropping litter

Being discourteous

Serious Misdemeanours

Constantly disruptive in class

Stealing or damaging property, including school property, others’ property and own property.

Back answering a teacher

Leaving school premises without permission


Using unacceptable language.

Gross Misdemeanours

Aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour

Unacceptance of school rules.

Strategies Including Sanctions

  • Reasoning with pupil
  • Behaviour modification – praising good behaviour
  • Comparing good behaviour favourably to bad behaviour
  • Reprimand
  • Advice on how to improve
  • Temporary separation from peers, friends or others

Temporary separations such as these should be enforced as soon after the incident as possible to reinforce the cause and effect nature of the correction.

If a child is temporarily separated from their class they may be given work to do in another classroom, or in the corridor area under the supervision of the principal or another teacher.

  • Sent to Deputy Principal
  • Loss of privileges
  • Detention during break

If a child is detained during break and given work to do they may be asked to do this work in the corridor area or in a classroom, under the supervision of the principal or another teacher.

  • Prescribing additional work, either at home, in a class or during a period of detention
  • Referral to Principal
  • Communication with parents
  • If serious misdemeanours persist or if a gross misdemeanour is committed a pupil may be suspended.


The Principal may require a pupil to do some schoolwork during a term of suspension. The suspension will be lifted when the term of suspension is finished and the pupil is presented in school by his/her parents or guardians with the work completed to the satisfaction of the Principal. The pupil and parents will also be asked to accept the rules and be committed to the up holding of the school rules before returning to school.

Expulsion will be considered where the Board of Management feels that:-

  • A pupil represents a threat to other pupils, staff members or visitors to a school.
  • The efforts made by the school, parents and child have failed in the opinion of the B.O.M. to improve satisfactorily the behaviour of a pupil.
  • A pupil and the parents/guardians of a pupil refuse to accept the Code of Behaviour and the implementation of the Code of behaviour by the school authorities.

Communication with parents

Communication with parents will be verbal or by letter depending on circumstances. Depending on the seriousness of the situation parents may simply need to be informed of the incident or they may be asked either to ensure that the punishment work be carried out. Parents may be asked to attend the school and to give an undertaking that their child will behave in an acceptable manner.

The Board of Management authorises the principal teacher to sanction immediate suspension for repeated misdemeanours or gross misdemeanours.

In the belief that the most effective schools are those with the best relationships with parents, the principal teacher and the staff will endeavour to provide a welcoming atmosphere to parents, to keep parents informed at parent teacher meetings and other times of positive as well as negative behaviour.

In the cases of certain pupils a class teacher may be asked by the principal to note a child’s behavioural and general progress briefly in child’s journal on Fridays.


Regular occurrence of minor or serious misdemeanours are to be recorded in class or yard books.

Gross misdemeanours are also to be similarly recorded.


St. Rynagh’s Primary School recognises the right of appeal in relation to disciplinary sanctions.

Appeals on the sanctions of suspensions and expulsions in particular will be heard by the B.O.M. or a representative of the B.O.M. in accordance with the Education Welfare Act.

Acceptance of the Code of Behaviour

On enrolling a child in St. Rynagh’s Primary School a parent/guardian must accept the Code of Behaviour.