Work Experience
Rational for Policy
- To clarify for all teachers how work experience can be accommodated in the primary school.
- To clarify for all applicants for work experience how work experience can be accommodated in the school.
- To clarify for all members of the wider school community how work experience can be accommodated in the school.
- To ensure that the primary functions of the school are not compromised by accommodating applicants for work experience.
- Applications for work experience will only be accepted from students attending our local second level school, Banagher College Coláiste na Sionna.
- Only 3 applicants will be accepted for work experience within the school year.
- Work experience does not include observation. The applicant must accept and attempt to perform the duties given them by the teacher.
- Work experience will only be offered to applicants for a maximum of 5 days. The days may be all in one week or may run over a period of a maximum of 5 weeks.
- Work experience will only be granted if a specific teacher is willing to give the applicant work experience in their classroom. If not teacher is willing to take an applicant into their class work experience will not be granted.
Students who are attending our school for work experience will use the staffroom at times other than the break and lunch times when the teaching staff are using the staffroom.