News Updates
Green Schools "Day of Action"
Wednesday the 12th March is our Green Schools "Day of Action" for our Travel Flag, which we hope will be awarded this school year. If possible we are asking the school community to participate on the day and travel to and from school by one of the following:-
COW Cycle on Wednesday.
SOW Scoot on Wednesday.
WOW Walk on Wednesday.
If you decide to cycle or scoot to school, please ensure your child does so safely. If you decide to walk, the teachers will be at the Library and the Church as usual to accompany the walkers. Alternatively. parents can walk with their children if it is feasible to do so.
Walk on Wednesday will continue every Wednesday for the rest of the school year. As the weather is now beginning to improve, we encourage as many as possible to join us.
Many thanks,
The Green Schools Committee.
Our Green Schools Committee requests that pupils do not bring in Christmas cards in order to save paper.
We will attend Mass in St. Rynagh’s Church at 9.30 a.m. on Monday 9th Dec. to celebrate The Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
School Concerts for pupils from 1st to 6th will be on Thursday 19th Dec. at 12.30 and 6.30 p.m. Both concerts are identical. The parent’s Association will be at the door to accept donations, and to sell raffle tickets.
Junior Infants will have a concert for their families on Tuesday 10th December at 1.15 p.m.
Senior infants will have a concert for their families on Friday 13th December at 1.05 p.m.
All the pupils of our school will attend Banagher College for their musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” on Wednesday 11th Dec. during the school day. Banagher College would like a €3 donation from each pupil so you can give €3 to your child which we will collect to give to Banagher College.
We will hold a Christmas Gear for Christmas Cheer Day on Wed. 18th Dec. Pupils can wear Christmas Jumpers, hats, bobbins, scarves etc. on the day and donate €2 to Crumlin Childrens Hospital where some of our pupils are attending for treatment at present.
School will close at 12 noon on Friday 20th Dec. Happy Christmas.
Safe Routes to School
St. Rynagh’s N.S. has worked with AnTaisce and Offaly County Council to develop a Safe Routes to school plan for the road outside the primary school. This plan can be seen on our website under SRTS Delivery Plan.
Offaly County Council monitored the traffic on routes to the primary school as part of the SRTS this month. Please communicate the need for the SRTS Plan to be put into action to our public representatives.
School Hot Meals
The school applied to be part of the Hot School Meal Programme last school year. We will be contacting families when we are admitted to the scheme.
Road Safety
Please observe the rules of the road when driving near the primary school. Please turn off car engines if parked on the roads to school. This is to stop children breathing in car fumes as they come to school.
Class Division
In order to provide your children with the most effective pupil-teacher ratio we can we will establish the following classes for September 2024.
Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st, 1st & 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd & 4th, 4th, 5th and 6th.
We have a policy on Class Division which is available on our website under policies. Please be positive to your child about whatever class your child is in. All teachers work together to ensure that all the pupils in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th work at their approved class level. The children from each class level have play areas on the yard allocated to them. All 1st play together, all 2nd play together, all 3rd play together and all 4th play together. As you can see from our Class Division policy we change the pupils who are in a split class every year. This ensures that friendliness is practiced in all classes. We will introduce the pupils to their teacher for next year tomorrow.
Afterschool Care
There is a letter relating to afterschool care in your child’s bag today.
St. Rynagh’s N.S. Parents’ Association balloted parents on Keeping Childhood Smartphone Free.
78% of parents voted to be part of a community where parents agreed not to provide their child with a smartphone until they finished sixth class.
The Parents’ Association will distribute a parents Association Smartphone Agreement in Sept. 2024. The Parents’ Association respects each family’s right to decide whether or not their children have access to the internet or a smartphone and there will be not obligation to return the form if parents do not want to.
The agreement will be voluntary with the aim of enabling parents to be able to say to their children that most children in your school and class do not have a smartphone.
Food Dudes
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child’s/children’s school is participating in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme, which aims to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables. The Department of Health recommends that children (and adults) eat 5 – 7 portions of fruit and vegetables each day. However, many children currently eat less than this.
The programme is managed in Ireland by Bord Bia and receives financial support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the European Union through the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme.
Your child’s/children’s school participated in a 8 days/16 days Food Dudes intervention under which pupils received daily deliveries of fruit and vegetables and were rewarded with stickers and small rewards for participation. At the end of the intervention, pupils were encouraged to bring in and eat fruit and vegetables from home as part of their daily diet.
I am very pleased to inform you that your child/children will have the opportunity to participate in the next phase of the programme next week. Under this phase, your child’s/children’s school will will receive 5 days of fruit and vegetables –
a “Food Dudes Week” – to help maintain the healthy eating ethos in the school. To support the Food Dudes week, your school will be championing healthy eating for the duration of the week through specially supplied video episodes and curriculum-based activities. The school may also run additional events or activities to highlight healthy lifestyles both within the school or local community.
Pupils in Junior Infants and pupils new to the school this academic year, will be provided with a reusable Food Dudes Lunchbox, to help encourage this healthy behaviour.
To support the school based activities, your child will be given a Passport to Healthy Eating. This passport contains a number of fun activities and is designed to be completed with you at home during the course of the Food Dudes week.
The completion of the passport by you and your child will further enhance the healthy eating ethos in school and at home.
You may wish to adjust the amount of food in your child’s lunchbox next week, to accommodate these additional foods.
The programme takes only a small amount of time in school but will result in health benefits for all who participate.
Your child will automatically be included in this programme. However, if for any reason you do not want your child to take part (e.g. if they are allergic to a certain type of fruit or vegetables), we would be grateful if you could inform the school.
For further information on the programme and healthy eating ideas, please see our website;
We hope you and your child will enjoy the Food Dudes week and have fun with the Food Dudes!
– Your Regional Food Dudes Project Manager
Sun Protective Behaviour
In Ireland the UV index, a measure of the strength of UV radiation is usually 3 or above from April to September even when it is cloudy.
Our pupils spend at least 40 minutes every day outside on breaks. They frequently have P.E. or other activities outside and many will hopefully walk to and from school. Many of these activities are between 11 and 3 when the sun is at its highest and UV rays strongest.
The National Cancer Control Programme recommend that parents consider putting sunscreen with a SPF of 50 on their children every day during these months. Further information about sun protective behaviour is available from the National Cancer Control Programme.
Primary School Age Coaching Times & Venues for St. Rynagh's Camogie, Hurling and Football. New players very welcome!
Camogie Girls
Under 6 Mondays 5 - 6 p.m. in St. Rynagh's Hurling Astro, Banagher G.A.A. Sportsfield.
Under 8, Under 10 and Under 12 in St. Rynagh's G.A.A. Sportsfield, Banagher on Wednesdays 6 - 7 p.m.
Football Boys and Girls
Under 6, 8,10 & 12 on Tuesdays 6.30 - 7.30 p.m. in Cloghan G.A.A. Pitch. New players are wanted in every age group.
Hurling Boys
Under 8 on Wednesdays 6 - 7 p.m. in St. Rynagh's G.A.A. Sportsfield, Banagher.
Under 10 Thursdays 6 - 7 p.m. in St. Rynagh's G.A.A. Sportsfield, Banagher.
Under 12 Mondays 7 - 8 p.m. in St. Rynagh's G.A.A. Sportsfield, Banagher.
St. Rynagh’s N.S. will hold a Lá Glas (Green Day) on Friday 15th March to celebrate Lá Féile Pádraig (St. Patrick’s Day) and Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Pupils are asked to wear something green, anything from a badge to a jersey to some shamrock and donate a euro or two to The Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Committee.
The pupils will be entertaining each other sa halla (in the hall) ar an lá (on the day).
School will close tomorrow Friday 8th March for the referendums.
We will be closed on Monday 18th March for the St. Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday.
We will close for Easter at 12 noon on Friday 22nd of March.
La féile Pádraigh daoibh go léir.
Senior Primary School Athletics will commence on Wednesday 7th Feb. The Athletics Programme is directed by Sport Ireland and Offaly County Council.
The Athletics will take place on the secondary school pitch. Pupils are to wear runners, tracksuits or shorts.
9.00 – 9.45 3rd
9.45 – 10.30 4th
11.00 – 11.45 5th
11.45 – 12.30 6th
As the grass can be wet pupils will be more comfortable if they have a change of socks and runners or football boots to run in.
Annual in School Charity Fundraising Bazaar
Our Charity Bazaar is held annually to enable St. Rynagh’s help charities that come to our attention throughout the year.
The Bazaar will be held on Mon. 12th Feb. We will also run activities in the week before the Bazaar starting on the Thurs. 1st Feb.
As in previous years we need prizes for the Bazaar. The prizes are donated by the children from their own toys. Children are asked to bring in little used toys or games in very good condition that can be recycled as prizes. Please do not donate pre-school toys. We are looking for toys that pupils may have grown out of, may not enjoy playing with themselves or may have duplicates of.
Recycle, Reuse, Replay!
Prizes can be donated to the school starting on Tuesday 30th Jan.
The Fundraising competitions will be held in classes from Thurs. 1st to Fri. 9th Feb. All competitions will cost 50 cent and children can enter as many times as they wish. On Mon. 12th there will be a prize giving ceremony in the morning for all the competitions and in the afternoon the children will play bingo, musical chairs, statue dancing, fishing etc. These games will cost from 50c to €2 each.
To help infants manage their money if they give their teacher €5 they will be entered into daily competitions during the week and into competitions on the day of the Bazaar. Infants who understand money can bring in additional money in a little purse with their name on, on the Bazaar day and will be allowed to spend it.
School will begin and finish at the normal times on Mon. 12th Feb.
St. Brigid’s Day – Monday 5th Feb. School will be closed.
Our Mid-Term Break: The school will be closed on Thurs. 15th and Fri. 16th Feb.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Fergal McMahon,
25th Jan. 2024