School Self Evaluation - Covid 19
School Self Evaluation
The impact of The Covid 19 Emergency on our pupils’ educational experiences and outcomes, their wellbeing, their motivation to learn and the engagement in learning.
“The truth is that there is nothing less sensational then pestilence and by reason of their very duration great misfortunes are monotonous.” Albert Camus - The Plague 1947.
Gathering Evidence
We gathered evidence from parents, staff and pupils. The evidence is enclosed here.
Analyse and Make Judgements
The most obvious finding is that views on the Covid Emergency and its consequences vary greatly. The fact that not all parents choose to respond is telling in itself. Considering such a variety of views exist we should note the achievement of the school staff in presenting a calm, healthy can-do attitude throughout the emergency.
The staff succeeded in getting the balance correct between protecting the community from Covid 19 and minimising the impact the restrictions had on the pupils.
The school has succeeded in getting most children settled back into school.
There are concerns about some children being anxious since the Covid Emergency.
The school closures have had an impact on pupils’ learning. Pupils want to engage in activities that facilitate interaction with other pupils.
Improvement Plan
- As part of the process to address the lack of assessments provided by NEPS during the Covid Emergency and in 2022-2023 the B.O.M. has agreed to use funds to pay for 7 additional assessments in the 2022-2023 school year. The class teachers, SET team, parents, SNAs and teachers have worked to identify the pupils in need of assessments.
- The teachers, principal and parents have worked with parents and appropriate support services for pupils with behavioural needs.
- Teachers are reinstating activities that may have been considered hazardous for pupils during the Covid 19 Emergency. School tours, swimming, field sports and certain classroom activities such as science experiments were reinstated in 2022. The fundraising Bazaar and the school concert are to be reinstated in 2023.
- Teachers recognise the need for movement breaks and on days when it is too wet to go out to play at break times, teachers allow time in the day for some physical activity outside if possible.
- SNAs facilitate movement breaks for pupils with an identified need for them.
- Class visits to the local library are organised.
- The school’s attendance policy acknowledges the effect the Covid absences may have had on pupils’ anxiety about attendance.
- The relationship between attaining academic objectives and pupils’ wellbeing is understood by teacher and S.N.A.s. We are cognizant of the need to differentiate curriculum objectives to ensure the challenges are appropriate to the pupils.
- We are constantly vigilant as teachers and S.N.A.s that pupils are as comfortable at school as possible.
- We are always open to communication from parents and ready to communicate with parents.
- We endeavour to make the pupils aware of their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. We encourage pupils to see themselves from the outside and others from the inside.
- Pupil focus groups create a voice for pupils.
Monitor Actions and Evaluate Impact
- In the 2023-2024 school year we will engage with wellbeing as a focus for our school self-evaluation. This engagement will facilitate an evaluation of the impact of the actions listed in our Improvement Plan.
- Our Assessment Policy will facilitate us assessing the impact of our actions on the learning of our pupils.
- The assessments carried out by a psychologist from the SCPA list will be held on file and used by us and other schools where appropriate.