Photo Gallery
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Getting ready for the festivities - putting up the tree. 🎄
Cineáltas Flag to promote Kindness.
Happy Halloween
A great day as you can see from the pictures below.
2nd Class make chocolate apples.
Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First and Second Class were invited over to the secondary school for the Teddy Bears Hospital on Wed. 23rd Oct.

Senior Infants had a food Workshop in the Library recently. Looks like everyone enjoyed it.
Skippy John came to our school on Wed. 9th Oct.
First Class are busy making 2D shapes with lollipop sticks, geoboards, geostrips and straws.
Cycle Safe Ireland came to 5th Class in Sept. 2024
Pupils who competed in the All Ireland Community Games. Well done.
6th Class 2023-2024

Damian Keenaghan who is a member of the Cardiac First Responders in Banagher was giving 6th Class a CPR class.
Third Class School Tour
Another successful Book Swap organised by the children in Ms. Higgins' 2nd Class. A total of 486 books were swapped. Well done to all.
5th Class with their Lighthouse projects. Well done.
Author Rod Smith came to our school on Wednesday 6th March to celebrate World Book Day.
Today Monday 12th Feb. 2024 we held our Annual Charity Bazaar which raises funds for different charities throughout the year. What a great day.
Our Junior & Senior Quiz teams that took part in the Credit Union Competition in January 2024.
Santa visited our school today Thurs. 20th Dec. 2023. We were delighted to see him. He gave every class a box of sweets.
5th class raising the Kindness Flag.
5th Class pupils mad raspberry jam from raspberries that were grown in the school garden. They also made scones to go with the raspberry jam. 😋
Third class enjoying learning how to play the ukulele.
Third class with the Stone Age Jewellery they have made.

First class in the Autumn Sunshine

Halloween in St. Rynagh's

Fifth Class

Senior Infants

Rang a haon

Senior Infants went to visit the library and had great fun on an Autumn Nature walk.
Senior Infants read the story of the Little Red Hen and made our own bread afterwards.
Senior Infants learnt about those who help us in our school. We interviewed Tracy, Damian and Mr. McMahon and discovered all the work they do in our school.

First Class enjoying playing Maths games with 5th class during Maths week.
First Class enjoying Robotics with Ms. Gardiner.
6th Class having fun with water sports at The Shannon 26th June 2023.
1st class tour on the River Queen and a trip to Lough Boora Park
5th Class Tour on 12th June 2023 to Dún na Sí Amenity & Heritage Park, Moate.
3rd Class Tour to Clonmacnois and Ballinahown on Wednesday 7th June 2023
Cumann na mBunscol Camogie Champions 2023

5th Class planting sowing potatoes and wildflowers in the garden.
Well done to all who dressed up and wore Green for our St. Patrick's Day Parade Fundraiser.

Pancake Tuesday - 2nd Class
Our Bazaar 2023 after a two year break was a huge success as you can see by the photos below. All proceeds raised goes towards different charities throughout the year. Well done everyone.
Santa came to visit our school today Wed. 21st Dec.
Second Class Christmas baking. They made polar bear peppermint creams.
St. Rynagh's N.S. held a Christmas Gear for Christmas Cheer Day on Friday 9th Dec. Everyone wore a Christmas jumper or accessories and donated 1 or 2 euro in aid of Crumlin Children's Hospital. Well done to all we raised over €300.
6th Class also did some Christmas Baking.
5th Class creating and constructing spaghetti and marshmallow towers for Engineering Week.
Our Halloween Concert 28th Oct. 2022.
Senior Infants 27th Oct. 2022
St. Rynagh's Winners of the Boys Cumann na nBunscol Football. Well done to all.
Carptain Diarmuid Darcy with the winners trophy. The boys were presented with their medals in the school hall on Thurs. 27th Oct.

Damian helped 1st Class to plant spring bulbs at the front of our school. We look forward to spring when we hope to see Allium, Daffodils, Tulips, Crocuses and Snowdrops in bloom.
6th Class had a workshop - Stop Motion Animation with Julie Forrester run by Offaly Arts Council.
Cycle Safe Ireland working with 5th Class - Sept. 2022
Junior Infants 2022-2023

The Infants have a great day down at the Shannon and in the playground.
3rd Class went on their tour to Clonmacnois. They also visited the playground in Ballinahown.
Infant Sports Day June 2022
Second Class on their First Holy Communion Day 7th May 2022.

The beautiful First Holy Communion Cake that Sr. Maura and Caitiona Feighery made for St. Rynagh's 2nd class for their First Communion. Also below the children enjoying the cake.

6th Class making music.
First Class celebrating St. Patrick's Day

The All-Ireland Camogie Champions visited our school on the 8th March 2022.
On Thursday 3rd March 2nd Class organised a Book Swop for the whole school which was a brilliant success.
2nd Class visit the Library
5th Class make St. Brigid's Crosses. They were blessed at Mass by Fr. Pat.
5th Class sent letters to people they admire.
Pupils from 3rd Class with their stone age jewellery and clay pots which they made in classs.
Pupils from 6th Class in St. Rynagh’s N.S. recorded and filmed a song “From the Shannon to St. Rynagh’s”. The lyrics were composed by poet Jessica Traynor in cooperation with Banagher College TY Students. The song was set to music by composer Elaine Agnew.
Junior Infants First Visit to the Library.
Congratulations to St. Rynagh's Camogie Team who won the All-Ireland Intermediate Club Camogie Final at the weekend in Semple Stadium, Thurles. We especially congratulate two of our staff who were on the team Aoife McLoughlin and Linda Sullivan. Below a picture of Ms. Sullivan's junior infant class with the winning cup.

Junior Infants Christmas 2021
Santa came to our school today Tuesday 21st Dec. Here are some pictures of children waving to Santa from their class.
Junior Infants with their Rainbow Pictures.

2nd Class are baking and eating yummy 🍰
Halloween in St. Rynagh's N.S. Friday 22nd Oct. 2021
Senior Infants - Halloween 22nd Oct. 2021

Senior Infants - Sept. 2021
4th Class visit the Library to sign up for Summer Stars Reading Challenge.

1st class planted pumpkin seeds and Damian helped them to transplant the plants in the raised bed in the school garden and at the front of the school. They are now looking forward to having their very own pumpkins for Halloween. Thank you to Damian who will water and feed them during the holidays.
1st class planted tomato seeds in school and brought home their plants. Hopefully they will enjoy their very own tomatoes during the summer.
4th class having fun making art projects.
Sports Day on 16th June 2021 for 3rd and 4th Classes.
Sports Day for Junior and Senior Infants June 2021
5th & 6th Class taking part in The Cycle Safety Training Course on Wed. 5th May 2021.
2nd Class busy working hard outside in the sunshine.
Engineers Week
On Friday 5th March 2nd class was very lucky to have had the opportunity to engage with "Anyone 4 science" workshop on zoom to celebrate Engineers week. This workshop on zoom was facilitated by Offaly County Library and the class got the opportunity to test the tensile strength of jelly. It proved to be a fun, educational and engaging activity for the children.
Our Christmas Jumper Day on Monday 14th Dec. 2020
We all wore our Christmas Jumpers today and each pupil donated €2 which will be shared between The Zoo and The National Children’s Hospital in Crumlin.

Happy Halloween 2020
We held our annual Bazaar on Wed. 19th Feb. It was a huge success as you can see by the photos below. All proceeds raised goes towards different charities throughout the year. Well done everyone.
Fifth Class post their letters that they wrote to people who were of interest to them.
First Class and Second Class had a Hurling Blitz.
2nd Class enjoying the fruit from the Food Dudes Scheme. Also presenting their projects to their classmates.
2nd Class make hearts for Valentine's Day
SSUP 6th Class
A video highlighting the need to stop using single use plastics
On Thurs. 19th Dec. we had a Carol Service in St. Rynagh's Church.
On Friday 20th Santa came to our school. The school choir sang songs to entertain us. We had a great day.
Junior Infants have a great time making rice krispie buns.
Secon Class reading their stories to Junior Infants.
2nd Class in their Christmas jumpers. All the children in the whole school brought in €1 or €2 to go towards the Christmas Lights in Banagher. Also 2nd class at the Pantomime in Coláiste na Sionna with Santa.
Children taking part in the G.A.A. Coaching on Running, Jumping, Throwing catching, Movement, Sending Receiving and Understanding of Sports and Athletics.
Ms. Higgins Junior Infants - Pictures from their Nativity Show.
On Thursday 5th Dec. First Class to Sixth Class performed their Christmas Show. Here are a few pictures.
On Friday 25th Oct. the whole school dressed up for Halloween.
Making Pizza in 5th Class.
Thursday 24th Oct. making Jam with Mr. McMahon.
Cycle Right came to our school in Sept. to give 6th class a cycling course. Cycle Right provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists.
"Skippy John" from Skipping 4 Life came to our school on Mon.16th June. Senior Infants to 6th Classes had a great day learning new skills with skipping games.
Sr. Helen visited our 6th class. She talked to the children about her mission in Haiti. Sr. Helen was presented with a cheque for her mission which was from funds raised from our annual Bazaar.
Some pictures from our sports day which took place on Thurs. 20th June.
3rd Class went on a visit to Clonmacnois.
Bro. Brian Johnson came to visit 6th class. He brought some artefacts in for the children to see. He was presented with money from our annual Bazaar for his mission.
5th Class went to Dún na Sí Amenity & Heritage Park in Moate. The Children got to meet & feed the animals, go on a nature walk and have a go at Irish Dancing etc.
2nd Class went on their Tour to Glendeer Pet Farm where they had a great day.
First class went on their Tour today 19th June. First they had a trip on the River Queen and then they had a guided tour of Lough Boora Parklands.
4th Class on Tour to Athlone Castle and Art Gallery, with a trip on the viking ship.
1st class transplanting pea plants in raised bed.
Junior Infants had a great day on 21st May when they walked down to the playground where they played games and had a picnic. The weather was lovely as you can see from the photos.
Science in 5th Class: 5th Class making elecctronic quiz boards with batteries and buzzers.
4th Class arranged a very successful Book Swap for the whole school on Fri. 10th May 2019.
4th Class enjoying science class - construction!
2nd Class at the launch of Spring into Storytime at the Banagher Library on 11th April.
Rock your Socks next Thurs. 21st March, wear the craziest, loudest, oddest and colourful socks and donate €2 to Offaly Down Syndrome.
Happy St. Patrick's Day from 1st Class
What a wonderful day we had on Thurs. 7th March for World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite book characters.
First Class on World Book Day
Dolores Keaveny, author, visited our infant & 1st classes today 6th March for World Book Week.
Well done to our Senior Quiz Team Eilidh Bacon, Sibéal McMahon, Niamh Sheehy and Ciara Staunton, who won the first round of the Credit Union Quiz and will take part in the Chapter Final.
On Friday 15th Feb. we held our Annual Bazaar. Money raised goes towards different charities throughout the year including Sr. Helen's work in Hait, Brother Brian's Mission in Africa and Sr. Annette's work in Tanzania. Well done to all.
Today 19th Dec. our school choir performed for the residents of Eliza Lodge Nursing Home.
Junior Infants listening to a Christmas Story.
Second class baking Peppermint Polar Bear Creams.
On Tues. 11th Dec. 1st to 6th class took part in the school concert.
On Wed. 7th Nov. Dale Treadwell visited 2nd Class. He taught us about the importance of bees and butterflies so we planted seeds in the school garden. we are looking forward to seeing our flowers in spring. He also talked to us about dinosaurs and he brought in a dinosaurs claw to show us. We really enjoyed his visit.
The pupils from 6th class went on an outing to Dublin on Tues. 27th Nov. to visit The National Gallery of Ireland and The Natural History Museum.
Cycle Right
This year 6th Class did a cycling course. It was called Cycle Right. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the idea. It was nice to get out of the classroom for a while.
It lasted for four weeks, usually every Thursday. On the first day one of the instructors did an hour of cycling theory with us before we got on our bikes. He was very engaging and funny so the time flew by. Then we were told to get into pairs. We walked to the yard where we met the other instructor. There were cones laid out for us and we spent the afternoon working on right and left hand signals, turns and junctions. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.
For the next two Thursdays we practiced many different skills a cyclist needs to have when on the road. We knew that on the last day we would be brought out onto the road – providing we listened and knew what we were doing. We were all quite nervous and excited about the prospect of going on the road.
On the day (a week later) the instructors brought most of us out onto the road. We cycled for around half an hour (in the safe hands of our instructors) and then arrived back at the school.
Everyone really enjoyed Cycle Right. We were given certificates which will be presented to us at our Graduation Ceremony.
By Eilidh Bacon
September 2018 - Some of our New Junior Infants enjoying their first few days in school.
In June, 4th Class arranged a Book Swap for the whole school. The class made Posters, arranged all the books brought in and made receipts for all books. If you brought in a book you got a receipt, which you could use to on the day of the book swap to get a different book. It was a huge success with 535 books being exchanged on the day. Well done 4th Class.
First Class went on their Tour on Thurs. 21st June. They had a trip on the River Queen, with a picnic in the playground. Later on they went to the Banagher Library for Yoga and Art.
On Thurs. 21st June 4th Class went on their Tour to Athlone. They travelled on a Viking Boat from the Hudson Bay to Athlone Castle. They also visited The Luan Art Gallery.
Infants went on their Tour to Birr, where they visited Birr Theatre, Birr Library and played in the playground.
Second Class Tour to Glendeer Pet Farm June 2018
In February Junior Infants dressed up as book characters for Book Week. Fifth class read some books to the children.
We had a presentation to all classes on Fri. 8th June about Plants Science and Honey Production.
Our Annual Fundraising Bazaar - Feb. 2018