Homework Policy
In St. Rynagh’s Primary School we see homework as a very important link between the school and the home.
Homework should reinforce what the child has learned.
Homework should provide a link between teacher and parent allowing the child to see that both the homework and the school share educational goals for them.
Homework should provide for teacher directed parentally led one to one work in literacy and numeracy i.e., reading, tables and spelling.
Homework should in general be achievable by a child working on their own under the supervision of a parent.
Frequency of Homework
Homework is given on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays but not on Fridays.
On occasion project work may be undertaken at the weekend in senior classes.
Sometimes at the discretion of the class teacher or the principal, children are given homework off as a treat or as an acknowledgement of some special occasion.
Duration of Homework
The following are guidelines. Different children will complete the same homework in different lengths of time. The better a parent can encourage a child to focus on homework which can be difficult in the home environment and the better a parent can ensure that a child does not get stuck in any particular area of the homework the quicker the homework will be completed.
A little homework done well is a greater lesson than a lot done badly.
Infants 0 – 20 minutes
Rang 1st – 2nd 10 – 20 minutes
Rang 3rd – 4th 20 – 30 minutes
Rand 5th – 6th 30 – 40 minutes
Homework Content
We believe that learning and reading tasks are as important as written homework. Many children will only reach full potential in reading if they do one to one reading with a parent. Many children will only be fully competent in spelling and tables if they learn and are asked these as part of their daily homework. Children may feel that reading and learning by heart is not real homework, it is. The homework set by any class teacher should reflect a balance between written, reading and learning tasks, ensuring that the written tasks are brief enough to allow for time to be spent on reading and learning.
Pupils should:
- Enter homework accurately in homework diary.
- In the case of infants take home their folder.
- Ensure they take home the necessary books and copies.
- Complete learning, reading and written assignments.
- Present work neatly.
Parents/Guardians should:
- Encourage a positive attitude towards homework in all subjects from infants on.
- Provide as quiet a place as possible for homework free from television, radio and other distractions.
- Encourage the child to stay focused on the homework tasks and not to daydream or interrupt work as this extends the homework over an overly long period.
- Encourage the children towards independence.
- Check that learning (spellings and tables) is done, listen to reading and check neatness of the written work.
- Check the child has all necessary books, homework journal, copies, pencils, mathematical equipment, dictionary, P.E. clothes and uniform for the next school day.
- Communicate difficulties to teachers using the homework journal.
Teachers Should
Set homework ensuring that the work is balanced between learning, reading and written.
Only a small amount of written work should be given to allow the child and parent focus on the reading and learning.
Ensure that written work is work the children are familiar with. Monitor the completion of homework.
Monitoring the completion of homework may be daily, every two days or weekly depending on tasks completed for homework.
When Homework is not done
When homework is not done regularly the teacher contacts parents with a view to resolving the situation. If a situation continues and a child does not do homework continuously the teacher may contact the Principal who will contact the parents. The school code of behaviour will be used to encourage children to do their homework where necessary.